Friday 1 May 2015

Tips for Starting and Engaging in a Conversation With a Girl you Like

This short write-up will effectively guide you on things you should and should not say when starting and engaging in a conversation with a girl you like.. Enjoy.

• Ask questions about her likes, dislikes and hobbies.
• Find out her opinions on some current events.
• Talk about her childhood.
• Bring up your own life stories that are meaningful, interesting and/or funny.
• Focus on talking about things the two of you have in common.

Avoid Talking About:
Politics, Money, Religion, Relationships, Family issues, Sex and Health problems.
These topics can mistakenly lead you into saying something that is offensive and will ruin all of your chances of getting a date. Try to keep things light for now.

Questions you could ask her:
• What books do you like to read?
• What do you do for fun?
• What music do you listen to?
• Do you play sports?
• What movies do you like to watch?
• Do you have siblings?
• Where did you grow up?
• Have you ever traveled abroad or plan to?
• What was your first job, your best job or your worst job?
• What do you want to be in future?
• If you won $2million, what would you do with it?
• If you could only own 5 items in life, what would those items be?
• Would you rather be rich, famous or influential?
• If you were only allowed to eat five foods and drinks on an outing, what would they be? (You can use this question to help you choose what restaurants to take her to).
• What is the best time of your life?
• Could you live life without internet and/or technology?
• Where is the best place you would like to travel to?
• Choose five people from today or in history that you would love to have an intimate conversation with.
• Who is your favorite artist or actress and why?
• If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
• What would you do if you had the power to become invisible?
• If your house caught fire, what would you attempt to grab?

Im not saying you should ask all these questions, but once you stick to these questions, they will surely open the doorway to some good topics that the two of you can talk about. You can try to think up your own too, but don't make them too intimate.

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